We have rebranded as
Active Travel Cafe
Tuesdays at 5pm
on zoom
Please head to our new site at activetravelcafe.org.uk
This site is no longer being updated - please head to our new website at activetravelcafe.org.uk
We are a friendly weekly forum on sustainable & safe transport (particularly walking, cycling & decarbonisation)
(we rebranded as the Active Travel Cafe in October 2022 and were formerly known as Ideas with Beers)
Our archive
Sept 2022
Video recording of the session
Dr Grahame Cooper,
third-party reporting analysis

Pop-Up Parklets day
13/09/2022 - Speakers: Dulce Pedroso ( @DulcePedroso1 / athousandwordsconsulting.com ) Still I Ride: How women of colour are challenging discourses in and through cycling. Also featuring: Review of Ideas with Beers incl. new format and proposal for name change.
July 2022
19/07/2022 - Speakers: Rosslyn Colderley, England Director (North), Sustrans on the new walking and cycling index and Gemma Cowan, of Things That Go On Things, on Compact Disco - the bike-powered travelling discotheque, complete with playlist, performers and DJ.
Video recording of the session
will appear here
Rosslyn Colderley, Sustrans

Gemma Cowan, Compact Disco
News update from Dr Bob Davis

12/07/2022 - Speaker: Harriet Hird, Marketing Director of Zedify, who run the largest fleet of light electric vehicles (LEVs) in the UK, which includes cargo bikes, trikes and quads.
Video recording of the session
will appear here
Harriet Hird, Zedify
News update from Dr Bob Davis

05/07/2022 - Speaker: Bike trainer David Dansky recounts his experience being badly injured in a road traffic crash, his subsequent recovery and further reflections.
Video recording of the session
will appear here
David Dansky

June 2022
28/06/2022 - Speakers: Robin Tucker (@robintucker1) on campaigning for Low Traffic Neighbourhoods in Oxford, Gareth Dennis (@GarethDennis), reviews the state of play with plans for enhancing the train network in northern England.
Video recording of the session
Robin Tucker
Oxford is becoming known for its strong support for Low Traffic Neighbourhoods (LTNs). Robin shared some of the knowledge built up in Oxford: including this leaflet. 👇

News update from Dr Bob Davis

21/06/2022 - Speakers: Jo Rigby (@JoRigby_Balham), Wandsworth councillor and transport committee chair, and Eleanor Roaf, Public Health Director of Trafford in Greater Manchester
Video recording of the session
Public Health Director Eleanor Roaf on the Public Health case for Active Travel

News update from Dr Bob Davis

14/06/2022 - Speakers: Rachel Aldred, Professor of Transport at the University of Westminster and Director of the Active Travel Academy, and Clare Rogers, Healthy Streets Campaigner in London (@subversivite)
Video recording of the session
Rachel Aldred

Clare Rogers

News update from Dr Bob Davis

07/06/2022 - Speakers: Chris Bruntlett, Dutch Cycle Embassy and Modacity on how cycling can enable disabled people to stay active plus a Q&A about tips on inclusive street design from around the world.
Video recording of the session
Chris Bruntlett, Dutch Cycling Embassy and Modacity

News update from Dr Bob Davis

May 2022
24/5/2022 - Speakers: Graham Grant, Assistant Director of Transport, Newcastle - Opportunities and challenges for Local Authorities building cycling infrastructure and Roger Geffen, Policy lead, Cycling UK.
Video recording of the session
Roger Geffen, Policy Director Cycling UK, on political campaign priorities 2022/3

News update from Dr Bob Davis (+ extra reporting, Mark Strong)

17/05/2022 - Speakers: Tim Gill (@timrgill) and Alice Ferguson (@aliceplayingout) on why child-friendly streets should be at the heart of planning and place-making.
Video recording of the session
Tim Gill, author How Child Friendly Planning & Design Can Save Cities

Alice Ferguson, founder of Playing Out on reclaiming public space for children

Alison Stenning on May's Kidical Mass when thousands of kids took to safer streets in the UK

10/05/2022 - Speakers: Adam Tranter, West Midlands walking & Cycling Commissioner. Oliver Lord, Head of UK campaigns, Clean Cities.
Video recording of the session
News update from Dr Bob Davis

03/05/2022 - Speakers: Llinos Brown from the Leeds Institute of Transport Studies on new research into the effects of Covid on travel patterns in the UK. And Sarah Hughes from Cam Cycle on a new cargo bike scheme in Cambridge.
Video recording of the session
Llinos Brown, Leeds Institute of Transport Studies

Sarah Hughes, Cam Cycle

News update from Dr Bob Davis

April 2022
26/04/2022 - Speakers: Rod King, 20s Plenty, on the new Speed Camera phone app that enables anyone to report bad driving, and Mark Strong, Transport Initiatives, on the good, the bad and the downright ugly ... examples of bike parking.
Video recording of the session
Mark Strong, Transport Initiatives, on Bike Parking

Rod King, 20s Plenty

News update from Dr Bob Davis

No sessions on 12th of 19th of April
05/04/2022 - Speakers: Michael Barratt MBE, TfL, on accessibility in the temporary environment, Ben Knowles, Pedalme, shares his take on the state of play with the cargo bike sector and the company he founded.
Video recording of the session
Mark's 'Infra Insert'

Ben Knowles, Pedalme
News update from Dr Bob Davis

March 2022
29/03/2022 - Speakers: Saskia Heijltjes, Bath Bicycle Mayor and Kidical Mass, and Darren Reynolds on Bikeability and other cycle training. Plus a tribute to Heavy Metal Handcyclist, RIP.
Video recording of the session including
Saskia Heijltjes, Bath Bike Mayor Tips on organising Kidical Mass

Darren Reynolds
Is Bikeability working when child cycling rates are still only 1-2%?

Regular news update from Dr Bob Davis

22/03/2022 - Speakers: Cllr Waseem Zaffar MBE, Transport and Environment Exec Birmingham City Council, Sue Mellor Active Wellbeing Society on Big Bikes Birmingham
Video recording of the session
Cllr Waseem Zaffar, MBE, Birmingham City Council

Sue Mellor, Active Wellbeing Society

Regular news update from Dr Bob Davis

15/03/2022 - Infrastructure special: what to look for - and when to compromise
Video recording of the whole session
@Mark Philpotts from City Infinity on 'Good Enough' infrastructure: when to say ok & when to say no!

Simon Munk, London Cycle Campaign - Perfect versus Good & knowing the difference

Regular news update from Dr Bob Davis

08/03/2022 - An #IWD special with Naseem Akhtar from Saheli Cycling, Birmingham & Kirsty Lewin from Infra Sisters, Edinburgh.
Video recording of the whole session featuring our regular news update plus speakers . Will appear here.
Amy Aeron-Thomas (Action Vision Zero) rounds up the state of play with the battle to toughen roads policing in England

Regular news update (slides) from Dr Bob Davis

February 2022
Video recording of the whole session - Chris Todd at 16 min 50 secs.
Chris Todd (Director of Transport Action Network) assesses the likelihood of halting road building in England (slides)

Regular news update from Dr Bob Davis

Sally Hinchcliffe & Suzanne Forup - transformation of Walk, Cycle, Vote campaign to the Walk, Wheel, Cycle, Vote campaign

Regular news update from Dr Bob Davis

Recording of the whole session
Critique of active travel media campaigns from Steve Conner (CEO, Creative Concern)

Regular news update slides from Dr Bob Davis

January 2022
Video recording of the whole session featuring our regular news update plus speakers Jim Densham (Cycling UK Scotland) reviewing the state of play with Active Travel in Scotland (23 mins) & Sam Shaw (Raeburn Farquhar Bowen architects) on how to design Active Travel into new housing (Meadowbank) (55 mins).
Regular news update slides from Dr Bob Davis

Video recording of the whole session featuring our regular news update plus speakers Chris Roberts (former special advisor to the Welsh government) reviewing the state of play with Active Travel and Transport decarbonisation in Wales (24 mins) plus Roger Geffen (UK Cycling) on the Highway Code review (54 mins 30 sec).
Regular news update slides from Dr Bob Davis

Video recording of the whole session featuring our regular news update plus speakers Simon Munk (London Cycle Campaign) on campaigning tips (at 27 mins) and Roger Geffen (UK Cycling) on the review of road traffic offences and penalties (at 55 mins).
Regular news update slides from Dr Bob Davis

Thanks for your interest!
Contact us at ideaswithbeers{at}gmail.com for information or suggestions for future speakers - including yourself!
View older material in our previous archive (2021) at https://sites.google.com/view/ideaswithbeers/home